How to Write the Perfect Customer Reactivation Email – That Will Get ‘Em Back!

Yesterday, I received a reactivation email from Yoast – a SaaS helping you to rank your website higher through SEO.

I paid for the PRO version a while back and can’t remember why I didn’t renew. The email didn’t make me want to use it again. So I improved it to convert (me) better!

DISCLAIMER! I believe Yoast is a great company, with awesome products and killer content! They are by no means bad at marketing – quite the opposite. The only reason I picked them to pick on, is because the email fell into my lap.

What’s wrong with this email?

The only reason for anyone to STOP paying for your SaaS is that the perceived value to them is lower than what they have to pay.

In short: they don’t think it is worth the cost.

This is not a question about price.

I.e, you don’t solve this by lowering the cost of your product.

You solve it by raising and concretizing the value it will provide.

A time-limited discount can be an additional incentive – but only if you help them visualize their goals and give them a map to get there.

How I would create the perfect reactivation email

The main rule is to make it less about you and more about your customers’ needs, pain points, and goals.

No one gives a sh*t about you. They only care about how it will add value to them.

Understand and define your audience’s problems and needs.

Then talk about it!

There are several copywriting frameworks when you want to persuade someone. Most of them contain these three parts in some way:

  1. The problem or pain they are having.
  2. What life would look like if solved.
  3. How to solve it.

Do this right, and it will increase the perceived value of your product, for your audience.

How to give more value for longer

Timing is a big factor when it comes to sales.

If someone is not ready to buy at the exact moment you present the offer – they won’t “come back to it later”.

By creating drip content (content that’ll be delivered bit-by-bit, during a longer time frame) – you can engage a lost customer for a longer period of time and deliver more value.

When you know what they want (their goal) you can help them get there faster.

In this example with Yoast, I suggest a week-long email course that’ll walk them through and give them a clear win at the end.

A drip course like this has several benefits.

  • People very seldom have the time or ability to focus to go through a 5000 word e-book.
  • It’ll remind them of you and your company’s name during several days – bigger chance of them remembering you.
  • You’ll deliver value more than once. This will build trust and teach people that an email from you means “great stuff inside!”

Make sure to give your absolute best content during the first 3 to 4 days. Don’t even talk about your offer in the first emails.

In the end, you present your product as an easier/faster/cheaper way to get there.